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Hey There Friend

A member registered Aug 27, 2018

Recent community posts

50 cents games are usually mobile games, and I DID say "one of the cheapest"

If they don't want to  buy the game then they shouldn't play it at all, that phenonmenon is called "voting with you wallet".

It is RUDE to tell people to make a service that is their income (and sometimes only income) to be free.

Also nice username.

(1 edit)

If they're SO POOR that they can't even afford a TWO DOLLAR game, then maybe they should focus on food because it sounds like they're starving and homeless.

And being rude would be calling you a fuckwit. Don't defend people begging for a luxury product.

Stop asking to make the game free, ya toddlers. It's $2.00 literally the cheapest a game has ever been or at least one of the cheapest. Be happy that this person made a game you love so much at all. Srsly.